
For me, Iraq is my big concern.
If the situation took a Big turn for the better.
And it wouldn't matter how it came about.

Then I might consider voting for Bush.
I really can't see anything else, just offhand.
I don't think Bush could Say anything to change my mind.

My first choice is Nader; then Kerry; then Bush


Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 19, 2004
And Kerry/Edwards could say nothing to change mine.
on Oct 19, 2004
Hm. It would take something very drastic to change my vote. For instance: If John Kerry engaged in cannibalism on live television, I would probably vote Green.
on Oct 19, 2004
Kerry would have to die and Bush would have to resurrect Kerry from the dead to get me to vote for him (Bush).

For Kerry, same thing except reversed.

"Lazarkerryus COME FORTH!!"
- Grimus Xhrist
on Oct 19, 2004
If a hot Democrat babe offered me sex, such as Natalie Portman, then I'd vote for Kerry.
on Oct 19, 2004
If a hot Democrat babe offered me sex, such as Natalie Portman, then I'd vote for Kerry.

now THERE's a man with PRIORITIES!

on Oct 19, 2004
There is nothing that would get me to vote for kerry. But I would vote for Gephardt or Lieberman under the right circumstances (Lieberman if he was the nominee! Gephardt if he renounced a couple of his previous statements).

I am conservative, but I dont like many of Bush's policies. I dont hate them, I just feel we can do better. Those 2 I think could. But not Kerry. He has the blood of many veterans on his hands, and blood does not wash off.
on Oct 19, 2004
What would change my vote?

If a good candidate were running for either the Democrats or the Republicans.

Given the choices, I will take the mediocre over the unmitigated disaster.
on Oct 19, 2004
If a hot Democrat babe offered me sex, such as Natalie Portman, then I'd vote for Kerry.

L O L, insightful for sure!

As for me, (if I was of age to vote) I don't think anything could change my vote unless, like myrrander said, Kerry ate an infant or something. Or if he died, that might change my vote, but he still could be the better candidate. Infant-eating would deter me, though, that's for sure.
on Oct 19, 2004
I think history will read that Bush has the blood of very many veterans on his hands. I would never, in a million years, vote for Bush. NEVER. Not in this lifetime.
Nothing will change my mind. NOTHING. If something really scandalous came out about Kerry that caused me to not want to vote for him, then I just wouldn't vote.
Bush will never have my support or my vote. Never has, never wil.

"Terrorism is the war of the poor.
War is the terrorism of the rich."
Peter Ustinov
on Oct 19, 2004
Wow Dabe responded all we need now to complete the extremist responses is to have Patriot Flamethrower respond!!

- Grimtar Xolf
on Oct 19, 2004
one million dollars and I'd vote for anyone they wanted me to. even Greywar
on Oct 19, 2004
Why, thank you, Grim.
on Oct 19, 2004
For me, Iraq is my big concern.
If the situation took a Big turn for the better.
And it wouldn't matter how it came about.

Then I might consider voting for Bush.
I really can't see anything else, just offhand.
I don't think Bush could Say anything to change my mind.

My first choice is Nader; then Kerry; then Bush

And Communism is the opiate of the masses. Welcome comrade.
on Oct 19, 2004
on Oct 19, 2004

I see most of us aren't the "undecided" we hear / see in the news.

I think the country will survive, whoever is elected.

The Civil War killed 15 times as many as Vietnam!
And the country got right back up, and went on.
Amazing, isn't it.

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